Watch The "Conscious Warrior" Video Below To Discover..

What It Really Means To Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Business, Marriage & Life Starting Right Now!

...because it's finally time to rewrite your stories and become all that you are meant to be.

Are You Ready to Embark On This

Life-Changing, Legacy-Shifting Odyssey?

Take the Conscious Warrior Challenge to Get 10+ Years of Proven Real-Life RESULTS All Distilled Into

a life-altering journey that will create radical transformation & power in every area of your life.

Saving You YEARS or Even Decades of Guess-work & Painful Mistakes

What Is A Conscious Warrior?

A No-bS formula A Simple framework a proven blueprint

Designed For a single purpose: to help YOU unlock power & unwavering certainty, produce bigger results, find purpose in your profits, protect your creations, and build Your legacy.










This. Simply. Works.

It's not another feel-good theory, motivational speech, or happy clappy pep talk...

It's a roadmap to undeniable results.

Results that aren't earned through grueling workouts...

Results that aren't built on the back of 100-hour work weeks...

Results that don't require sacrificing time with your family & friends...

No. We created results on something that's much, much harder than workouts & long hours.

We start with Live By A Code that will transform your world in four simple words.

Tell The f*cking Truth

Sounds too easy, right?

But it's the simple truths, simple actions, and simple shifts that build the results you really want.

You're not striving for perfection; you're striving for commitment.

Commitment to the path you've chosen, to the actions that are required, and to the Warrior you're becoming.

In the Game of the Warrior, victory is achieved through unwavering commitment.

Are you ready to embrace your transformation?

Join us, become a Conscious Warrior, and define your destiny.

Your journey starts now. Let's make it legendary.

isolated & indecisive

Have you ever felt stranded?

Overloaded with information yet paralyzed by inaction?

Understand this: your key to success isn't another strategy.

It's about shattering limiting beliefs and shining brilliantly.

You are designed for greatness, not just to amass wealth but to manifest a divine purpose uniquely yours.

But most people will never discover that reality and even fewer with accept it...


Because first, they refuse to make a decision to MOVE.

And second, the fail to see that no one can do the work for you.

To put it another way:

No one is coming to save you.

Make A Simple Decision

You hold the power to shape your story.

The secret the unlocking that power?

The willingness to make simple decisions that have significant outcomes.

That's exactly what Becoming A Conscious Warrior is all about: giving you to tools, perspective, & resources to make decisions that matter.

In fact, you can make your first significant decisions today.

Here's the first question...

What do you really want?

It's not a trick question.

It's something that everyone has to answer for themselves.

Every decision you make & every action you take today (and every day after) will define your success.

The second question is just as important (and it's multiple choice).

Once you've defined what you want, you have to get clear on what you're willing (or unwilling) to do in order to get what you really want...

What you will or won't do is based on who you are.

That brings us to Question #2...

Who are you going to be(Come)?

Option #1


This camp is for the passive observers who stand on the sidelines, watching as others forge ahead. They won't lift a finger but will complain about the journey. Let's be clear – blaming external factors only blinds you to your power. Don't become the problem while blaming the solution.


The path of the bystander leads to nowhere.

Option #2


These folks are willing to tread part of the path but stop halfway, then wonder why they don't reach the destination. Blame gets passed around, but the truth is they only did half the work. Excuses won't change that reality.


Half-hearted effort reaps no rewards

Option #3


This is where warriors are born. Those who thrive in this realm recognize the power of commitment. Rule number one: Trust the Process. When you're all-in, when you follow through, success becomes inevitable.


Embrace this mindset, and triumph is assured.


The path of the bystander leads to nowhere.


Half-hearted effort reaps no rewards


Embrace this mindset, and triumph is assured.


Choose Your destiny.

claim your victory.

transform your life.

This journey is about more than perfection, talent, or looks.

It's about unyielding dedication.

To win as a Conscious Warrior, you must commit – fiercely, unwaveringly, and without compromise.

Ruthlessly Committed to Your Daily Actions

  • BODY: Elevate your fitness and fuel your body for boundless energy.

  • BEING: Harness meditation and introspection to achieve profound clarity.

  • BALANCE: Foster partnership and prosperity, nurturing both personal and professional life.

  • BUSINESS: Discover your path and declare your intentions to thrive.

Make A Simple Decision.

Follow A Proven Path.

-AWAKENING: We all begin at Phase 1, where we much discover & embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

8 Percent Method Challenge

-AWARENESS: Once your AWAKE, you develop a heightened consciousness of your capabilities and purpose.

Fact Map Training - Setting I AM Possible Targets

-ALIGNMENT: This stage centers on harmonizing all aspects of your life, bringing them into sync with your goals.

Soul Purpose Event

Meditation Mastery Event

-ACTIVATION: The culmination of your journey, where you unleash your newfound power and potential upon the world.

Living Life By Design NOT By Default

Ready To Take The First Step?

A 30-day crucible called the 8 Percent Method that guides you through four transformative evolutions that will propel you toward your ultimate potential.

It's Time to Make your move

Over the next 120 days, you hold the reins to your destiny.

No one else will change your world – it's up to you to ignite the change you crave.

This journey is your opportunity to rewrite your narrative and finally become all you know you are meant to be.

If a balanced, prosperous, and spiritually fulfilling life is what you seek, then it's time to break free from the chains of self-doubt.

Embark on this transformative journey and reshape your destiny.

Join us.

Become the Conscious Warrior you were always meant to be.

It Starts Today

You hold the power to shape your story.

Becoming A Conscious Warrior is your chance to define your legacy.

Every action you take today, and every day after, will define your success.

The choice is yours: Sideline Voyeur, Half-Assed Observer, or All-In Champion.

🌌 Phase 1. Awakening - The Warrior Challenge

Live by a Code: STOP LYING!! Step out from the shadows. Immerse yourself in authenticity. STOP LYING!!!

Unearth Your Triggers: Don't just cope, Don’t just suppress your feelings learn how to harness them and use them as fuel for the fire that burns within.

Recreate your current Reality: Learn how your current stories about yourself and the “logic” that others have put on you are holding you back from living your true self.

Set the Stage: Establish a new foundation one that you can lean on daily for the transformative journey ahead.

🌠 Phase 2. Awareness

Fact Mapping: A deep dive into the facets of your life – Body (Fitness & Fuel), Being (Spirituality), Balance (Relationships), and Business (Production & Lifestyle). Understand what's working and what isn't.

Set Clear Intentions and Targets that seem Impossible: Set a six-month target in all domains of your life, backed by monthly missions, a weekly focus and daily fire. So that you can start to live you life filled with purpose

Stay Focused: Stop chasing the “shiny objects” be able to stay committed to your desired outcomes, start to accomplish all that you already know you need to be doing.

🌙 Phase 3. Alignment

Meditation Mastery Event: To unlock and harness the power of meditation, creating waves of transformation and profit in every aspect of your life.

Why Meditation Mastery?:

🔸 More than Just Calming the Mind: While meditation is commonly seen as a way to achieve peace and tranquility, its benefits go far beyond that. Meditation is a tool, a weapon, that can unleash torrents of prosperity in every domain of your life.

🔸 The Promise of More:

- Deep Intimacy & Connection: Reignite the spark in your relationships.

- Body Healing: Awaken the latent healing energies within.

- Parenting with Power: Connect and guide your kids from a place of inner strength.

🔸 Trust the Process: All the teachings of A Conscious Warrior emphasize one thing – to believe in the journey you're on. Meditation isn't an exception. It's a transformative tool that has the power to change your life, your relationships, and your business.

Soul Purpose Event: To delve deep into your core, creating and battle-testing your Personal Soul Purpose Blueprint. This is your roadmap to living a life aligned with your true purpose and achieving prosperity driven by the very essence of your soul.

The Power of Faith:

"Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times." - Martin Luther

This is more than just a quote. It's an invitation to trust, to believe, and to harness the divine energy that flows within and around you.

Why Soul Purpose Intensive?:

🔸 Beyond Abundance: While prosperity and abundance are goals for many, the Soul Purpose Intensive challenges you to reach beyond. To tap into the realm of limitless prosperity by aligning with your divine purpose.

🔸 Co-Creator with the Divine: Recognize your power and potential as a co-creator. When you align with the divine, miracles aren't just possible, they're inevitable.

🔸 Living and Leading: With your Soul Purpose Blueprint in hand, you don't just exist — you lead. Every decision, every action stems from a deep, unshakeable purpose.

Your Transformation Journey:
Discover: Unearth your true soul's purpose. Understand what drives you at your core.

Design: Shape your life's blueprint. A personalized guide aligned with your soul's calling.

Battle-test: Challenge your blueprint. Refine it, making sure it's not just a plan but a weapon for life's battles.

Prosper: With your blueprint as your guide, embark on a journey towards not just success, but purpose-driven prosperity.

🌞 4. Activation - The Grand Finale: An In person 2 day event like no other…

Overcome Internal Barriers: Release the lingering blockages hindering your ascent. Finally break this imposed chains that have been holding you back.

The Warrior's Way: Assimilate your learnings, crafting a life mirroring your true essence.

Embrace Purposeful Living: Beyond materialistic gains, realize your divine blueprint, etching your unique mark on this world.

  • 30 Power Activating Missions from Garrett J. White $1,997

  • 30 Coaching Letters from Garrett J. White $810

  • 60 Days of Unrestricted Access to the WarriorApp $398

  • BONUS: Wake Up Warrior Facebook Accountability Group $497

  • BONUS: WarriorBox Audio Edition (6 AudioBooks) $497

  • BONUS: The 5 Warrior's Way Protocol Video Courses $997

Your Total Value: $5,196

It's Time to Get Off the Sidelines.


Conscious Warrior Challenge



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